Sunday, August 26, 2012

New to Photography: Gear

A few of my friends who want to start a hobby in photography asks me; What brand of camera should they buy?  Common brands are (of course) Nikon or Canon.  Another question I encountered is: What lens do I start with?

Here are my recommendations for you guys who want to try photography:

Camera Brand

Nikon or Canon?  Either brand will do, heck you can go for Sony or Olympus, just as long as you enjoy your craft.  

Go with the brand which most of your friends, with dslr's, are using.  In that way, if you have questions on the operation of the gear, you can ask your friends how.  

If your friends aren't into photography but you are, then go to a photography store and try out the cameras.  Choose which one feels right.

I would recommend a middle level cameras.  You know those cameras with a top lcd, like Nikon's D7000 or Canon's 60D, if your budget permits.  These cameras give you much control of your shooting style.  But if you're in a budget, then go with the entry level dslr's.  


Start off with the kit lens, like 18-55mm or 18-105mm.  These are good lenses.  Learn the ways of the art and look for your genre.  If you've found the genre of photography you want, then go and buy lenses specifically for the genre.  For instance, you find yourself loving landscapes, like I do, then go look for an UWA (Ultra-wide lens) like Sigma's 10-20mm.

I'd recommend that you at least have a prime lens, a 50mm.  Whether or not you're into portraits, having a prime lens is a must.  I'm sure you'll want to try those lovely bokeh, blurry backgrounds, usually in portraits.   You'll never know when you might need it.


Read the manual!!  Study the camera, know the in's and out's of your new toy.  Once you've learned the commands, capturing image would be a smooth operation.

Camera Bags

Bags are important.  Find a bag that suits your needs.  First find a bag that is simple and ambiguously looks like a normal bag, for safety.  There are bags that at first glance you'd know it's a camera bag.

These are the basic gears to start your journey to photography.  There are more "genre-specific" gears like tripod, flashguns, light stands, etc.  Get these only when you've found your true genre.  

So go out and shoot, shoot, shoot.

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